Abscess are a type of skin disease cause by a bacterial infection, which causes excruciating pain in the affected area. In addition, boils can occur in any part of the body. They look similar to acne, but the pain is more severe. If it is a small boil, it may heal on its own.

Any home treatment for an abscess is usually best for small or mild abscesses. Home treatment can help relieve pain, reduce the spread of infection, and help the abscess heal. An abscess is a bacterial infection of a hair follicle. A minor abscess appears as a small red bump with pus under the skin. It can become inflamed and painful. Can form anywhere there is hair. Although most minor abscesses heal on their own, home remedies can help relieve the symptoms of an.
Boils are cause by infection and inflammation. Therefore, foods that should be avoid if you want the boil to heal faster are foods that cause inflammation. Therefore, foods that should not be eating when you have an boil may be as follows:
Saturated fat: Saturated fat can trigger inflammation in your fatty tissue, which can not only worsen health problems caused by inflammation , such as abscesses, but can also increase your risk of heart disease. Foods that may contain saturated fat and should be avoid during an abscess include burgers, pizza, ทางเข้า ufabet, French fries, and other fried foods.
Sugar: Processed sugars, such as white sugar, can cause the body to release more pro-inflammatory cytokines. Therefore, if you have an abscess, it is best to avoid or reduce foods that contain processed sugar.
Refined carbohydrates: Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and white rice, are another type of food that should not be eating during an abscess. This is because refined carbohydrates are consider foods with a high glycemic index, which stimulates the formation of substances resulting from eating protein and sugar in excess of the body’s needs. When the body has a lot of AGEs, it can stimulate inflammation and make existing inflammation worse.
Omega 6 fatty acids: Although omega-6 fatty acids are healthy fats, if you get too much omega-6, it can stimulate the body to release more inflammatory substances. Foods that contain omega-6 include corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, mayonnaise, and some salad dressings. Therefore, during the time you have an abscess, you should avoid these foods so that the abscess can heal faster.
Alcoholic beverages: Drinking alcohol makes the liver work harder. The more alcohol you drink and the longer you drink it, the harder your liver has to work, causing its efficiency to deteriorate and affecting the interconnected functions of many organs. Therefore, when you have an abscess, it is best to avoid drinking alcohol.
How to treat a small abscess at home without much pain
- Maintain cleanliness every day, wash and clean to prevent further infection.
- Apply a warm compress with warm water to increase blood flow, which helps break up the abscess and drain the pus more easily.
- Do not puncture, press, or squeeze. Do not allow the fluid in the abscess to drain out. Because the infection from the abscess will directly affect the blood vessels near the abscess.
- Apply ointment or cream to prevent infection. Ask at a pharmacy with a pharmacist on staff.
- Take over-the-counter pain relievers to reduce pain or fever. You can use over-the-counter pain relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.
Maintaining good health, such as exercising and drinking plenty of water, can help alleviate some symptoms. Normally, self-treatment of an abscess should clear up or improve symptoms within 2 weeks.