A silent threat that should not be overlooked “Drug-Resistant Bacteria”

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Drug-resistant bacteria are germs that are resistant to antibiotics that were previously effective in killing that type of bacteria. As a result, the antibiotics are no longer able to treat that type of bacterial infection. Drug-resistant bacteria are usually germs in the bacteria group that can live in the environment for a long time. If it is a drug-resistant bacteria that causes disease, when an infection occurs, it will cause severe illness and the treatment will be more complicated.

Imagine if we have a severe headache but we are resistant to paracetamol and have to take stronger painkillers. In addition to spending more money and wasting time buying medicine that is harder to find, you are also at risk of side effects from strong medicines that may occur to you.

Therefore, I would like you to pay attention to the dangers of drug resistance because what happened to you may not be just a simple headache medication, but a medication that treats a more specific disease and a more dangerous disease. You definitely do not want to be someone who is drug resistant.

Antibiotic resistance is a global problem that poses a threat to global health and development in various aspects because it can occur in people of all ages. If patients use antibiotics frequently or for a long time, the risk of antibiotic resistance increases.

Drug resistance can occur when bacteria change their genes to become resistant to certain drugs or acquire drug-resistant genes from other bacteria. This makes certain chronic infections, such as pneumonia  or meningitis, more difficult to treat or more severe. And can cause other health problems, especially for patients who need chemotherapy, UFABET, surgery or dialysis. Who need antibiotics to help reduce the risk of infection.

Prevention of drug resistanc

For the general public, the spread of drug-resistant bacteria can be prevented and controll in the following ways:

  • Antibiotics should not be used to treat diseases or conditions that are not usually cause by bacteria. Such as colds, sore throats, coughs, diarrhea, or fresh wounds from accidents that were not cause by animal bites. Antibiotics often do not reduce the severity of these diseases. Or are not necessary, and should only be use in certain cases.
  • Avoid sharing antibiotics with others or giving leftover medication to others.
  • Prevent the risk of infection by washing your hands regularly, avoiding unnecessary contact. With infected patients, preparing food in a sanitary manner, practicing safe sex. And getting vaccinat regularly.